Dispensing of the validity stamps for the Academic Year 2024/2025

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Dispensing of the validity stamps for the Academic Year 2024/2025

The prolongation and issuing of the prolongation sticker for the academic year 2024/2025 for all students except freshmen will be carried out from September 2, 2024 at the Institute of Computer Technology, Němcovej 3, ground floor, door no. 5.

For using discounts - transport, it is necessary to activate the card at any university terminal or terminals of companies providing transport services.

The electronic validity prolongation can be done by placing the card to a university terminal located in the university premises (main building Letná 9 - ground floor, ÚVT workplace Němcovej 3 - ground floor and FVT workplace Bayerova 1, Prešov - ground floor).

This way all electronic functionalities including the transport sectors will be activated.

With the ISIC sticker you will get a number of extra coupons for discounts in the voucher book or on www.isic.sk website.