
Basic information

Student ID card

  • Identity cards for first year students will be printed before the enrollment and will be given to students at the enrolment so they can immediately use them in the corresponding applications (library and catering services, transport systems, copying and printing services).
  • Identity cards for students admitted to study at later dates will be printed and given to students at the time agreed by the Institute of Computer Technology (UVT) and Study Departments.
  • Identity cards for students, who applied to more than one Faculty of TUKE, will not be pre-printed. Only one student identity card will be printed for the faculty of student´s choice, and the student will report this information to the UVT (
  • Students in the full-time form of the study receive student cards in the international ISIC format (, students in the part-time form of study receive an internal university student card.
  • The student card is the property of the student, i.e. it can be kept by the student after (successfully or unsuccessfully) finishing the studies.
  • The validity period of the student card according to the validation stamp as well as the electronic validity period of the student card according to the data entered on the chip ends on September 30, of the next academic year or in the case of study completion (for any reason) on the day of the student´s registration cancellation in the IS MAIS by the Study Department.
  • The student card issued for the first level of study (Bc., bachelor´s study) is accepted in the subsequent levels of study (second and third, master´s and doctoral study). However, the original student card has to correspond to the form of study for which the student enrolls.
  • The employee of TUKE who is at the same time a student in a part-time form of study also has to have a student card in accordance with the valid legislation.
  • Duplicates of student cards (in case of e.g. loss, damage, …), complaints, e.g. when the card is not working properly, etc. are handled by the Institute of Computer Technology (UVT)
  • Be careful with your card – bend sensitivity (the antenna built in the perimeter of the card can get damaged).
  • Students of the first and second level of study have access to parking facilities at the TUKE campus via ramps only in justified cases (in case of health problems) and upon a written request confirmed by the Study Department.
  • Student cards are accepted by the following transport companies (student discounts are provided according to the individual carriers´ price lists):
  1. SAD Humenné, a.s.
  2. SAD Michalovce, a.s.
  3. SAD Prešov, a.s.
  4. Eurobus, a.s. Košice
  5. SAD Žilina, a.s.
  6. SAD Zvolen, a.s.
  7. Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, a.s.
  8. Dopravný podnik mesta Prešov, a.s.
  9. Dopravný podnik Bratislava, a.s.
  10. Dopravný podnik mesta Žilina
  11. Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s. Bratislava
  12. BUS Karpaty, s.r.o.
  13. SAD Trenčín, a.s.
  14. Slovak Lines, a.s.
  15. SAD Prievidza, a.s.
  16. Mestská dopravná spoločnosť, a.s. Považská Bystrica
  17. SAD Poprad, a.s.
  18. SAD Dunajská streda, a.s.
  19. SAD Liorbus Ružomberok
  20. SAD Lučenec
  21. SAD Nové Zámky
  22. SAD Trnava
  23. Skand Skalica
  24. SAD Veolia Nitra
Prolongation of identity cards (extension of their validity period) for second and higher year of study in both full-time and part-time form of study:
  • visual validity prolongation
    • full-time form of study:
      • by ISIC validity stamp - full functionality of the student card
    • part-time form of study:
      • by internal university red square) validity stamp “part-time student” – for all internal (university) and added functionalities except discounts and benefits provided through CKM SYST and transport discounts (a student receives this stamp after being enrolled at the Study Department; the fee for the student card is included in the sum of €2,50 for added functionality paid by the student with the enrollment fee in accordance with the order of the Rector)
      • or by EURO<26 stamp (the original EURO<26 licence for the academic year, which costs €10, for students in the part-time form of study who have not yet reached the age of 27) – it has the functionality of the student card also with the discounts and benefits provided through CKM SYST (
  • electronic validity prolongation via university terminal (both full-time and part-time form of study)
    • each student of the second and higher year of study places his or her identity card on the university terminal,, which is available in the university´s main building at Letná 9, at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies in Prešov or at the UVT at Němcovej 3

Non-prolonged student cards will be blocked automatically in both internal and external systems.

Added functionalities and their activation
  • suburban, long distance, local public transport
  • electronic wallet
  • local public transport tickets
  • railway transport
  • access and attendance systems
  • Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
  • libraries other than University Library of TUKE

Activation of the added functionalities
Activation of the added functionalities is carried out exclusively through university terminals after the student´s enrollment to regular study in the respective year.