Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
of the Technical University of Košice

Letná 1/9
042 00 Košice-Sever
Slovak Republic


Academic Information


Accredited Study Programmes for Academic Year 2024/2025

For more information on study programmes, please refer to the list of study programmes and the MAIS Academic Information System (information on recommended curricula, courses, etc.).

Bachelor Study Form of Study Length of Study Language of Study
Automotive production FT 3 SK, EN
Quality and Safety FT 3 SK, EN
Computer-aided mechanical engineering production FT 3 SK, EN
Industrial Mechatronics FT 3 SK, EN
Industrial engineering FT 3 SK, EN
Protetics and ortotics FT 3 SK, EN
Management and economics of the company FT 3 SK
Mechanical Engineering FT 3 SK, EN
Technology, management and innovation of engineering production FT 3 SK
Master Study Form of Study Length of Study Language of Study
Automotive production FT 2 SK, EN
Safety of technical systems FT 2 SK
Biomedical Engineering FT 2 SK, EN
Transport machines and logistics FT 2 SK
Power supply machines and equipment FT 2 SK
Environmental Engineering FT 2 SK
Computer-aided mechanical engineering production FT 2 SK, EN
Industrial Mechatronics FT 2 SK, EN
Industrial Engineering FT 2 SK, EN
Management and economics of the company FT 2 SK
Robotics and Robototechnology FT 2 SK, EN
Mechanical Engineering Technologies FT 2 SK, EN
Mechanical Engineering FT 2 SK, EN
Doctoral Study Form of Study Length of Study Language of Study
Applied Mechanics FT/PT 4/5 SK, EN
Biomedical Engineering FT/PT 4/5 SK, EN
Parts and Mechanisms of Machines FT/PT 4/5 SK
Energy Machines and Equipment FT/PT 4/5 SK
Environmental Engineering FT/PT 4/5 SK
Quality and Safety FT/PT 4/5 SK, EN
Industrial Mechatronics FT/PT 4/5 SK, EN
Industrial Engineering FT/PT 4/5 SK
Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Materials FT/PT 4/5 SK, EN
Production Technology FT/PT 4/5 SK

FT – Full-time study
PT – Part-time study
SK – A study programme taught in Slovak
EN – A study programme taught in English
SK, EN – A study programme taught in Slovak or English (a study programme is taught either in Slovak or in English – in two study programmes)



About the faculty

picture for illustration purposes only

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of three founding faculties of the Technical University of Kosice. Over recent years it has developed into a recognized scientific and educational institution, both at home and abroad.

The 22 study programs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering belong to the Top 100 most promising study programs in the Slovak Republic with the largest graduate employment rate. The figure is based on the survey of the national project called Universities as Engines of the Knowledge Society. In 90% of study programs offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering the students can obtain motivational scholarships.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers courses in the unique study programs supported by the latest information technologies and computer support tools in the design and technological preparation of production. The Faculty has state-of-the-art equipment of laboratories, lecture halls and computer laboratories with the most modern software package and the use of high technologies. The bachelor degree studies include foreign language courses. Linking theoretical knowledge with practice is provided in the form of professional trainings and excursions in engineering, automotive companies, hospital and medical workplaces. We offer the opportunity to complete a part of the studies at foreign universities, and the accommodation in student residences with catering services and sports activities.